Bolognais one of the richest and most interesting cities in Italy. While walkingthrough the city with your guide, you will discover why it was given variousnicknames: La Rossa (the red one), La Dotta (the learned one) and La Grassa (the fat one). This guidedtour is a combination of art and eno-gastronomic traditions.Duringthe walking tour you will see some of the most important buildings. You willvisit Piazza Maggiore, the city's main gathering place, which was built in the13th century with its famous statue of Neptune, the basilica of San Petronio,the Medieval market, the Two Towers and the Archiginnasio, the first permanentseat of the University. You will then make a stop at Majani's, a traditionalchocolate maker where solid chocolate was invented, and then you will visitAtti's, which is a must in Bologna, where you will hear the history of thetortellini and tagliatelle. The tour will end at Tamburini's where, whilehearing the history of the Mortadella, you will taste some delicious localproducts such as Mortadella, Parmigiano Reggiano, and salami, all accompaniedby local wine. Please note that in July and August Majani's chocolate shop isclosed and will be replaced by Venchi's, the famous ice-cream makers.