The area around Viterbo, northof Rome, became a retreat for popes and cardinals during troubled times inRome. Happily for us, they have left a legacy of beautiful villas and gardens,designed in one of Italy’s finest periods, the Renaissance and consequentlymodels for the rest of Europe to copy. One of the finest villas is the PalazzoFarnese at Caprarola, a huge edifice, standing at the top of the town’s steepmain street. Surrounding the palace are two magnificent gardens, a south-facingsummer terrace and an east-facing winter terrace, each with appropriate plantsand design. After lunch in a traditional local restaurant (not included), youwill visit the Villa Lante in Bagnaia, another splendid Renaissance palace andbuilt by Vignola, the architect of the Palazzo Farnese and considered to be hisfinest creation. Here though, it is the gardens that take pride of place andepitomise the Mannerist period of the Renaissance. The final visit of the day willbe to the Sacro Bosco di Bomarzo, the sacred Bomarzo wood, otherwise known asthe monster Park; it consists of the most amazing and often bizarre sculptures,many carved from the local rock, scattered through the woods.