Plunge yourself intotypical Emilian products. Enhance your Italian culinary experience bysharing knowledge and moments with our Italian food masters. All theproducers are small and family run, no industrial productions, so we cantranslate the words of the makers as it happens, and share with you theproducts that have made Parma’s renowned artisan culture over thecenturies.All productions below can be combined.
Parmesancheese:You will watch behind the scenes the master cooking, separating the rich wheyand lifting this magnificent DOP product and gain sight into the particularmethodology he uses. The shaping and salting rooms are equally enthralling aswe begin to realize the enormous amount of care and daily toil this productrequires. Moving on from the salting vaults we enter the ageing room: the“stagionatura”. Here among 2000 wheels is where the fullest, richest aromaignites the senses as we learn how after 12 months the Consorzio experts, testand skillfully hammer the cheeses before the ritual of branding. Only then dothe 38 kilogram wheels that pass this test finally mature on wood for 2 or moreyears. Finally of course you taste this wonder with a dash of honey, and if youlike, a refreshing glass of wine.
Parmaham:Visit a Parma ham producer and discover where the fresh haunches are selectedan salted. You will visit the cooling, salting and “resting” rooms, eachemulating the traditional winter to spring curing seasons. Best of all we willtake you to the cellar branding areas where the “Naso” or master nose deciphersthe perfume of only the perfect product for the ultimate branding of the twincrowns of Parma Ham – fit for the tables of the top restaurants of Parma, Italyand the World.
Balsamicvinegar:Firstly you will see the splendid 40 acre vineyards and be guest of thissupplier of top outlets across the world. You will visit the Mustmaturing room and the batteria lofts of a producing family of 4 generations andtaste 15 year old, 22 and 28 year old Balsamico from the antique barrels. Overthe past 50 years the world’s leading chefs have ignited an internationalinterest in this product.
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