Thetown of Assisi instantly conjures ideas of St. Francis and the great Basilicadedicated to him but there are far more landmarks connected with him and thistour will trace the key events of his life. We will start with his birth, forthe Chiesa Nuova contains fragments of his home, in addition to the charmingOratory of San Francesco Piccolino. Move then to the Cathedral of San Rufinoand see the font where he was baptised, before exploring the many streets thathe walked as a profligate young man before heading to the church of San Damianowhere he experienced his conversion. Next part of the tour will be to thechurch of Santa Maria Maggiore where he renounced all his worldly goods, beforeentering the great Basilica, where of course he is buried. The Basilica wasstarted in 1228, not long after his death and attracted the finest artists ofthe day. The frescoes by Giotto and Cimabue are unforgettable, not to mentionworks by a host of other medieval and Renaissance artists. Finally a visit tothe Basilica of St. Claire of Assisi who also lived and died here.