No visit to Sicily would be complete withoutconjuring ideas of the Mafia and from these thoughts the movie ‘The Godfather’instantly comes to mind. On today’s tour, you will get to visit some of themain locations where the film was made. The tour centres on the town of Savoca,famous not as a tourist town but for its ‘Godfather’ associations. While intown, a ‘must’ is a stop for a lemon ‘granita’ at the famous Vitelli café, oneof Coppola’s favourite spots and seen many times throughout the film. Then makeyour way to the church of Santa Lucia where the scene of the wedding ofApollonia and Michael was shot. After this, you will head up to Taormina Marefor a great lunch at La Capinera, where the chef Piero D’Agostino willintroduce you to authentic Sicilian cuisine. After lunch, a short visit ofTaormina with its magnificent Greek theatre before returning to your hotel.