The Maremma is the southerncoastal strip of Tuscany and is generally bypassed by tourists, which is ashame, as there is much to see. First stop today will be the hill town ofPitigliano, originally built by the Etruscans and like so many of their cities,built high on the volcanic rock, known as’tufa’. It still has its medievalwalls and was home to a large Jewish community from the fifteenth centuryonwards. This legacy is much in evidence and there is a Synagogue, an Azzimi(Jewish bread) oven, ritual baths, cemetery and Jewish museum. The co-operativewine cellars also produce kosher wine. After lunch (not included), in a goodlocal restaurant, head to Sorano, which you will see from miles around, as youapproach it, high on the hill. It’s a great medieval town, with narrow streetsto wander around, a castle and splendid Renaissance military fortress, theFortezza Orsini. You will also stop at a local farmhouse to taste some of thedelicious local pecorino cheese. You will wind your way back along the coastalroad, with a brief stop at Monte Argentario for some splendid panoramic views.