The tour will start with a stroll throughCampo San Polo, where bullfights were once held. Then you will come to theFrari, a striking gothic church that houses several masterpieces by Canova,Tiziano and Bellini. Continuing on for a few more steps and you will be infront of the Scuola Grande of San Rocco. The various religious brotherhoods werea peculiar trait of the Venetian society. Their seats -also called Scuole- weremeant to be a sign of their social role. The San Rocco brotherhood, founded inthe 1400s, built their Scuola during the 1500s and chose Jacapo Tintoretto todecorate the interior with his strong and dramatic style.If time permits, the visit will continue toScuola Grande dei Carmini where Giambattista Tiepolo painted nine incomparableceiling frescoes.