You will discover thesymbolic world of the Byzantine civilization through the beautiful mosaicsfound in Ravenna. They are remarkably well preserved and their sheer opulenceoverwhelms all who visit them.The tour of Ravennaincludes a visit to the most significant Early-Christian and Byzantine sites inRavenna. You will see the buildings that house the famous mosaics of Ravennaincluding: the Church of S.Vitale, the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, theBasilica of St. Apollinare Nuovo and the Domus of the Stone Carpets with itscrypt featuring ancient mosaic floor. And while walking through the quiet andpleasant streets of Ravenna, you will be given the chance to admire Piazza delPopolo, the city’s main square with its 15th century Town Hall, as well as theTomb of Dante.