Today, set aboutdiscovering the significant remains of ancient Rome in the heart of Turin.Starting at the cathedral, the Via Settembre XX will bring you to the remainsof a Roman theatre and on the other side of the road, the Porta Palatina(Palatine gate), two 16-sided towers flanking an arched passageway, the mostimportant Roman Monument in Turin. Then take a peek into the Museo diAntichita, housing objects excavated in Turin and in the Piedmont region,starting with medieval finds and going chronologically right back topre-history. One of the highlights of the museum are the Roman artefactsexcavated in 1928 near the town of Marengo, delicate silverwork, sculpture anddiverse everyday objects. A short walk along the Corso Regina Margherita willbring you to the Santuario della Consolata, a magnificent baroque church by thearchitect Guerini, built to house the statue of the Madonna, MariaConsolatrice, protector of the city and much venerated by all Torinese. Take abreak for lunch in one of Turin’s historic cafes, before heading for the Chiesadel Carmine with a splendid bell tower, designed by Juvarra. Optional visits tothe Basilica Mauriziana and the 13th century church of San Domenico,but a must see is the Shroud Museum, which houses the original silver and stonecase that held the Holy Shroud until 1998.