Mantua was described byAldous Huxley as the most romantic city in the world and as you wander throughits series of interlinked squares, lined with aristocratic mansions, you beginto see why. Many of Shakespeare’s plays were set here and more recently, it wasthe setting for Verdi’s Rigoletto. It was Virgil’s home town and the capital ofthe Duchy of Gonzaga for three centuries and the Gonzaga family was one of themost powerful in Italy. You will visit their palace, the Palazzo Ducale withits stunning frescoes by Mantegna, depicting the Gonzaga family and theircourt. It was once the largest palace in Europe and despite being looted by theHabsburgs in 1630, still contains a remarkable art collection, including worksby Pisanello, Raphael and Rubens amongst others. Just south of the city liesthe Palazzo Te, another splendid place with incredible frescoes and other worksof art. You will also get the chance to see the cathedral, Palazzo StSebastiano and the Basilica of St Andrea.