In the 1st half of the 15thcentury, the SS. Giovanni e Paolo Basilica features a series of Gothic archeswhile the rather later portico has touches of the Renaissance style. Thearchitectural features of the apse are very interest; while the interior hasnumerous works of art including a polyptych by G. Bellini and a piece by L. Lotto.The funerary monuments of Doges and illustrious people are interesting and makeSan Giovanni and Paolo the pantheon of the history of Venice. After theBasilica of St. Mark, this was considered the official church for the publiclife of the Serenissima, as the Venetian Republic was known, and the bodies ofthe Doges were brought here after the lying-in-state and the public funeralrites. In the church you can see the most beautiful stained glass window in thecity which needs to be restored. This private visit will support therestauration.Thanks to this tour IDI will be sponsoringthe restauration of the window.