The completion of theSimplon Tunnel in 1906, bringing rail passengers from Switzerland to Italy putStresa well and truly on the map and it became the principal resort on Lake Maggiore.Aristocratic villas and hotels quickly followed to accommodate the influx oftourists, impressed with its mild climate and luxuriant vegetation. Visitorshave been coming ever since and in 1948 Hemingway came and set part of hisnovel ‘A Farewell to Arms’ in the Grand Hotel des Iles Borromees, which broughteven more tourists. In 2002, Stresa hosted the 10th InternationalHemingway Conference. Three fine villas will be visited on this tour, the VillaDucale in the centre of town, dates back to 1770 and in 1848 was inherited bythe Italian philosopher Antonio Rosmini-Serbati and today it houses theInternational Centre for Rosminian Studies. Just outside Stresa is the VillaPallavicino with a wildlife park and the Villa Dell’Orto.