Today is a nice mix oftraditional sightseeing and a chance to see some fine local craftsmen. Firstyou will meet sandstone artist Renzo Buttazzo, born and raised in Lecce andjustly proud of his heritage. His work reflects the local landscape and hetakes inspiration from everything around him. Then onto Galatina and theBasilica di Santa Caterina d’Allessandria with its stunning 14thcentury frescoes, depicting biblical stories, including the life and passion ofChrist and the martyrdom of Santa Caterina. Not far from here is the baroqueChurch of St. Paul, heart of an annual festival and steeped in local legendsabout people being cured of tarantula bites (St Paul is protector againstpoisonous animals). Your guide will tell you all about this curious history.After some free time in Lecce, you will be taken to the workshop ofpapier-mache artist Claudio Riso for a demonstration of this colourful art.