Ask anyone what image theyhave of Turin and they would probably say Fiat, the Shroud or maybe The ItalianJob; what they would probably be unable to tell you is that this is one of thefinest Baroque cities in Europe. Magnificent royal palaces and imposing churchdomes bear witness to the greatness of architects such as Guarino Guerini,Filippo Juvarra and Asciano Vitozzi. The tour will start with the PalazzoCarignano, birthplace of the first king of Italy and containing the magnificentchamber of the first Subalpine Parliament. Turin boasts 18 kilometres ofarcaded shopping streets, offering protection from both sun and rain and hometo many beautiful designer shops. After some serious window shopping, you willarrive at the church of Corpus Domini, known for the ‘Turin miracle’ and one ofthe finest corners of the Baroque city. You will then come to the MoleAntonelliana, designed as a synagogue in the 19th century and now acinema museum; it is such an iconic building that it is now the emblem ofTurin. No visit to Turin would be complete without a visit to the Duomo,Turin’s cathedral dedicated to San Giovanni Battista who is the city’s patronsaint. Behind the cathedral is the fantastic Holy Shroud Chapel, built byGuerini in 1668 to house the priceless relic. After lunch in a noted Turinrestaurant (not included), spend the afternoon in two of Turin’s notablemuseums. First comes the finest museum of Egyptian antiquities outside Cairo,as well as some 30,000 artefacts, pride of place must go to the statue ofRamses II which the museum uses as its logo. In ‘Fiat city’, it is appropriatethat Turin has one of the most important motor museums in Italy and even ifyour interest in cars is limited, you will have fun seeing the cars of yourchildhood as well as some fantastic Bugattis, Maseratis and of course vintageFiats.
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