Explore the heart of thisBaroque gem of a city on foot, walking through elegant piazzas and down streetslined with designer shops and ritzy cafes. Home to the Savoy dynasty, they notonly provided the first kings of a united Italy but also the first capitalafter unification in 1861; it did not pass to Rome until ten years later. Thetour will take you to Piazza Castello with its grandiose Savoy palace and thebaroque church of San Lorenzo, then to Piazza San Carlo, very much the drawingroom of Turin with its twin churches and historic cafes, maybe have a ‘bicerin’(special Torinese coffee with cream and chocolate) in the very grand Café SanCarlo. Continue to the Piazza Carignano; Vittorio Emanuele, first king of Italywas born in the palace here, now a museum of the Risorgimento (unification).Passing down the monumental arcaded Via Po, you will arrive at the Mole, a548ft tower with a cinema museum, but built originally as a Synagogue in the 19thcentury. The Duomo (cathedral) is the only example of Renaissance architecturein Turin and of course houses the Turin Shroud.