A perfect introduction to yourstay in this fascinating city, you will learn about Rome as Italy’s politicalcapital, its importance as the cradle of Catholicism and its place at the heartof the ancient world. The tour starts in the Piazza Navona, one of the mostfamous squares in Rome. It takes its shape from the 1st century ADStadium of Domitian, once home to chariot races and it could even be flooded torecreate naval battles. Traces of the original walls remain, but the square wascompletely transformed in the 17th century, with Borromini designingthe façade of the main church, Sant’agnese in Agone, and Bernini creating thefamous Fountain of the Four Rivers. A short walk will bring you to the Pantheon,the most complete ancient Roman building and surpassing St. Peter’s, its domeremained the largest free standing dome in the world until 1960. The reason forits incredible state of preservation is that in 609AD, it became a church andhas therefore been continuously maintained ever since. It is the burial placeof Raphael and the first kings of a united Italy. The next stop is the TreviFountain, an essential port of call so that you can throw your coins to ensurea return to Rome. From here to the equally famous Spanish steps; other than thefact that they lead to the Spanish embassy, nothing to do with Spain.