This fascinating villa, set in abeautiful park has recently been restored and opened to the public. The heartof the villa is the Casino Nobile, the main residence of the Torlonia familyand home to a fine collection of works of the Roman School. The focal point isthe magnificent ballroom, which has two orchestral pits, to house the musicianswho played for the splendid balls held by the Torlonia family. No expense wasspared in the incredible decoration of this room in the neoclassical style.Being an early nineteenth century building, there are nods to many earlierstyles and in the Casino dei Principi, the 16th century has beenfaithfully reproduced, with elaborate decorations in the Egyptian and Etruscanstyles. The tour ends in the Casino delle Civette (house of the owls), whichhouses a fascinating museum of stained glass and is decorated in a neo-medievalstyle.