The city of Rome has an enormouscollection of the works of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, spread betweenchurches, galleries and museums. This itinerary will take you between thePantheon, Piazza Navona and the Piazza del Popolo and you will see some of hisgreatest masterpieces. First stop will be the Galleria Doria Pamphilj, abeautiful private gallery, with two early Caravaggios, the Penitent Magdalene,a very early work and the famous Rest during the flight into Egypt. From here,the tour will take you to the church of San Luigi dei Francesi, which housesthree Caravaggio paintings, featuring the life of St. Matthew; his calling, thewriting of the gospel and his martyrdom. From here, onto the church of Sant’Agostino,where you will see the stunning Madonna dei Pellegrini. After lunch at atypical local trattoria, you will then go to the Borghese Gallery, one of themost important art collections in Italy. Key works here are the Madonna of thePalafrenieri and David with the head of Goliath. The final stop will be to thechurch of Santa Maria del Popolo, where you will see the Crucifixion of StPeter and the Conversion of St Paul on the Road to Damascus.