ForesteriaIl Baglio Della Luna was born from the restoration of an antique structure inthe Valley of the Temples in Agrigento. Today, a few years after itsopening, is a sure point of reference as a high level Sicilian hotels. Thestructure is composed of an end of the XIII centuryTower that wasrestructured in 1555 by Emperor Charles V and used in defense and watch againstthe Saraceni. One finds the rooms of the hotel creatively arranged in areserved guest area surrounding a courtyard enclosed by high walls (Baglio). Aspecial note must be given to the restaurant “Il Dehors” classified bygastronomes as one of the four top restaurant in Sicily. The hotel offers a splendidMediterranean garden facing the Valley of the Temples enchanting for its flourishing naturethat allows the discovery of every pleasurable angle for reading and the shortstrolls and an ample relaxation area with a hydro massage tub and sauna. Thehotel offers, at a few meters distance, a private beach furnished specifically forits clients. In addition to this and much more, the staff of Foresteria Bagliodella Luna is happy to serve you.