You will be takento Settignano, a small hill town just outside Florence and home to the renownedrestaurant of Enoteca del Rossellino, housed in a beautiful 15thcentury parsonage. You will be hosted by Damiano, owner of the restaurant whowill instruct you in the cooking of beautiful handmade gnocchi and other Tuscandishes. You will then eat all the delicious dishes you have made for lunch. Inthe afternoon, explore the town of Settignano; its history is tied to theRenaissance stonecutters, not least Michelangelo, Rossellino and Ammannati. Youwill get splendid views over Florence as you walk along roads once used byMichelangelo on his way to the stone quarries. Brunelleschi also came here toselect stone for the Duomo. Finally, visit the Villa Gamberaia, with one of thefinest private gardens in the area.