Two Umbrian gemsawait discovery today, both medieval hill towns, each with its own charm. Firstvisit will be to Spoleto, home to a renowned summer festival and the largest ofUmbria’s walled hill towns. In addition to narrow streets, fine churches andRoman remains, highlight of any visit to Spoleto is the Ponte delle Torri, apicture-postcard bridge and a triumph of medieval engineering. Meanwhile,towering above the town is the Rocca, everyone’s idea of a fairy-tale castle,with turrets and crenellations and sheer walls. From here, a picturesque drivewill bring you up to Todi, high above the Tiber River, long before it reachesRome. Legend has it that it was built where an eagle dropped a tablecloth,snatched from a local family and it now forms the town’s coat of arms and youwill see it emblazoned on the town hall. The square has to be one of the finestmedieval squares in Italy and the immense staircase leading up to the Palazzodel Capitano conjures a vision of swashbuckling sword fights and indeed, manymovies have been shot here.